CREOP- Commercial Real Estate Online Publisher

Get Creative With Your Commercial Real Estate OM

A commercial real estate OM (offering memorandum) is typically used by brokers to market the property to potential buyers or tenants and is an important tool for persuading them to take a closer look at the property. As a professional commercial real estate broker, it is essential to be creative with your OM to stand out from the competition and reel in potential buyers or tenants.


Here are some tips to help you do just that:

Use visually appealing design elements

An offering memorandum is essentially a marketing document, so it should be visually appealing. CREOP can help you get started on an offering memorandum template that uses high-quality images of the property, as well as eye-catching graphics and charts to help illustrate key points.


Include detailed information about the property

Providing as many details as possible about the property in the commercial real estate offering memorandum is important. The OM should include details about the location, size, layout, and any unique features or amenities.


Emphasize the property’s strengths

Consider what makes the property stand out and highlight these points in the OM. Is it located in a prime location? Does it have a unique layout or design? Make sure to emphasize these points to help persuade potential buyers or tenants to take a closer look.


Use testimonials

If the property has been leased or sold before, consider including testimonials from previous tenants or buyers. Testimonials help build credibility and show potential buyers or tenants that the property has a track record of success.


Include a call to action

At the end of the OM, you must include a clear call to action (CTA). The CTA could be a phone number to call for more information or a link to a website where potential buyers or tenants can learn more about the property.


Are you working on making a private offering memorandum (POM)? The POM is an essential tool for attracting investors and helping them make informed decisions about whether to invest in the property.

In addition to using attractive visuals and testimonials, here are some other tips for being creative with your private real estate OM:


Use storytelling

Instead of just listing facts about the property, try using storytelling to bring the OM to life. Storytelling could include sharing the property’s history or highlighting unique features that make it stand out.


Highlight the location

The location of a property can be a major selling point, so be sure to highlight any nearby amenities or transportation options.


Customize the OM for your audience

Think about who you are targeting with your OM and tailor the content and visuals accordingly. For example, if you are targeting young professionals, you should emphasize nearby dining and entertainment options.


By connecting with CREOP, you can create a commercial real estate OM that is both informative, visually appealing, and effectively markets the property to potential buyers or tenants. Take your business to new heights by booking a free demo with us today.

The Value of Online Auctions in Commercial Real Estate Marketing

Online auctions have become an increasingly important tool in the realm of commercial real estate marketing. They can completely transform the way commercial real estate transactions are conducted.

Before diving into the benefits CRE online auctions offer, it is important to define them.


What Are CRE Online Auctions?

A commercial real estate online auction is a method of selling commercial property through the internet, using an online bidding process. This type of auction allows interested buyers to view and bid on commercial properties from the comfort of their own homes or offices without the need to be present at the auction location.


A critical aspect of online auctions is the use of commercial real estate software. This software allows for the seamless organization and management of the auction process, including listing properties, tracking bids, and handling contracts and paperwork. Without commercial real estate software, the process of buying and selling properties through online auctions would be much more cumbersome and time-consuming.


Online auctions have become an increasingly important tool for commercial property marketing. Here are a few benefits that CRE online auctions offer for both buyers and sellers:



One of the primary advantages of online auctions is the speed at which they can be completed. Traditional real estate sales can take months, or even years, to complete due to the need for inspections, financing, and other factors. In contrast, online auctions can be completed in a matter of days or even hours, allowing buyers and sellers to close deals much more quickly. Speed is particularly useful in the commercial real estate market, where properties may be held for a shorter period of time, and the need to turn a profit is greater.


Increased Transparency

Another benefit of online auctions is the increased transparency they provide. In a traditional real estate transaction, buyers may be hesitant to make an offer if they do not have full visibility into the property’s condition or the seller’s motivations. In an online auction, however, all relevant information about the property is made available to potential buyers, allowing them to make informed decisions about whether or not to bid. This transparency can also help to create a sense of competition among buyers, driving up the final sale price.


Greater Audience Reach

Online auctions also have the potential to reach a much wider audience than traditional real estate marketing methods. With an online auction, properties can be advertised to a global audience, increasing the pool of potential buyers and potentially resulting in higher sale prices. Additionally, online auctions allow buyers from anywhere in the world to participate, which can be especially useful for properties located in more remote or less developed areas.


Save Time and Money

Finally, online auctions can save both buyers and sellers time and money. Buyers do not need to travel to view properties in person, and sellers do not need to spend as much on advertising and other marketing efforts. This can help to make commercial real estate transactions more efficient and cost-effective for everyone involved.

In conclusion, online auctions are an important commercial real estate marketing tool. They offer space for buyers and sellers to connect and negotiate the sale of properties quickly, efficiently, and transparently. Moreover, they offer a range of benefits for both buyers and sellers. As more and more buyers and sellers embrace this technology, online auctions will likely become an increasingly common way to buy and sell commercial real estate. If you want to learn more about using online auctions with CREOP, you can book a free demo today.

5 Benefits of Making a Commercial Real Estate OM

A commercial real estate OM is a document that provides detailed information about a property being offered for sale or lease. It is typically used in the process of marketing a commercial property to potential buyers or tenants.


Here are five benefits of using an OM when selling or leasing a commercial property:


1. Present a Comprehensive Overview of Property

First and foremost, an OM allows you to present a comprehensive overview of the property to interested parties. It includes information about the location, size, and features of the property, as well as any relevant zoning regulations or restrictions. This helps potential buyers or tenants understand the full scope of the property and its potential uses.


2. Streamline the CRE marketing process 

An OM also helps to streamline the process of marketing a commercial property. It provides a single, comprehensive source of information that can be shared with multiple parties, rather than having to provide separate pieces of information to each interested party. This saves time and effort for both the property owner and potential buyers or tenants.

A commercial real estate offering memorandum template can be a valuable tool for investors and business owners. It provides a clear and concise summary of the property being offered, including its location, size, and features. This information can help potential buyers make informed decisions about whether or not to invest in the property. Additionally, a template can save time and effort by streamlining the process of creating an offering memorandum. Using a template also helps ensure that all necessary information is included and presented in a professional manner. 


3. Attract more potential buyers

Additionally, an OM can help to attract a wider pool of potential buyers or tenants by providing a clear and detailed picture of the property. This can be especially useful if the property is unique or has specialized features that may not be immediately apparent to those unfamiliar with the property.


4. Facilitate negotiations

Another benefit of an OM is that it can help to facilitate negotiations between the property owner and potential buyers or tenants. By providing a clear overview of the property and its features, an OM can help to establish a baseline for negotiations and ensure that both parties are on the same page.


5. Valuable Reference Document

Finally, an OM can also serve as a valuable reference document for both the property owner and potential buyers or tenants. It can provide a comprehensive record of the property’s features and any relevant legal or financial information, which can be useful for future reference or negotiations.


The Benefits of a Private Offering Memorandum

A commercial real estate private offering memorandum (POM) is a document that outlines the details and terms of a real estate investment opportunity being offered by a developer or owner to potential investors. POMs provide valuable information about the property, its location and surrounding area, the investment terms and expected returns, and the risks involved. Some of the benefits of a commercial real estate POM include:


1. Detailed information

POMs provide a wealth of information about the property, including its physical characteristics, zoning, and potential uses. This can be helpful for investors trying to determine if a property is a good fit for their investment goals.


2. Transparency

POMs are required to be complete and accurate, which helps ensure that investors have a clear understanding of the investment opportunity being presented.


3. Legal protection

POMs help protect both the developer and the investor by clearly outlining the terms of the investment and any potential risks.


  1. Professional presentation: POMs are typically well-organized and professionally prepared, which can help instill confidence in potential investors.


  1. Increased credibility: The use of a POM can help demonstrate that the developer has taken the time to thoroughly evaluate and document the investment opportunity, which can increase credibility and help attract potential investors.


In conclusion, a commercial real estate OM is a valuable tool for both property owners and potential buyers or tenants. It provides a comprehensive overview of the property and helps to streamline the process of marketing and negotiating a sale or lease. As such, it is an essential component of the commercial real estate process. 


Looking for a top CRE marketing solutions provider? Book a free demo with CREOP to take your business to the next level.

7 Tips to Succeed at Commercial Real Estate Marketing

Commercial real estate marketing can be a challenging task, especially in today’s competitive market. Here are some tips to help you effectively market your commercial property and stand out from the competition:


Utilize online marketing

In today’s digital age, it’s crucial to have an online presence. This includes having a professional website and utilizing social media. These platforms allow you to showcase your property to a wide audience and make it easy for potential buyers or tenants to learn more about your property.


Use targeted advertising

When it comes to commercial real estate, it’s important to target the right audience. This means targeting ads to specific demographics, such as business owners or investors, and using targeted keywords to ensure your ads are seen by the right people.


Network with other professionals

Building relationships with other real estate professionals, such as brokers and agents, can help you market your property to a wider audience. Additionally, joining local real estate associations and attending industry events can help you make connections and build your network.


Create high-quality marketing materials

When marketing your commercial property, it’s important to have professional-grade marketing materials, such as offering memorandums and property flyers. These materials should showcase the property’s key features and benefits, as well as include high-quality photos and floor plans.


Offer incentives

In order to stand out from the competition, consider offering incentives to potential buyers or tenants. This could include offering rent discounts, free parking, or other amenities to entice them to choose your property.


Utilize virtual tours

With the COVID-19 pandemic still lingering, many people are hesitant to physically tour properties. By offering virtual tours, you can give potential buyers or tenants the opportunity to see your property from the comfort of their own home.


Be responsive

When it comes to commercial real estate, timing is often critical. Make sure to respond to inquiries and requests promptly in order to avoid losing potential buyers or tenants.


By following these tips, you can effectively market your commercial property and stand out from the competition. Remember to stay up-to-date on industry trends and constantly evaluate your marketing strategies to ensure you are reaching the right audience and generating leads.


What does commercial real estate software do?

Commercial real estate software can greatly benefit businesses by streamlining and optimizing various processes. With features like property management, lease administration, and financial analysis, commercial real estate software can help businesses save time and money by automating and organizing tasks. Additionally, the use of commercial real estate software can improve decision-making by providing real-time data and analytics. This can help businesses make informed decisions about their properties and investments. Overall, commercial real estate software can greatly improve efficiency and productivity for businesses in the real estate industry.

Success in commercial property marketing requires a combination of strategic planning, targeted marketing efforts, and strong communication skills.

To reiterate, it is important to clearly define your target audience and understand their needs and preferences. This can be achieved through market research and analysis of your competitors.

Once you have a clear understanding of your target market, you can develop a marketing plan that focuses on the most effective channels for reaching and engaging potential buyers or tenants. This may include traditional marketing tactics such as print advertising and direct mail, as well as digital marketing efforts like social media and email marketing.

Effective communication is also key in commercial property marketing. Building strong relationships with clients and prospects through regular communication and follow-up can help you close deals and build your reputation in the industry.

Overall, success in commercial real estate marketing requires a holistic approach that combines strategic planning, targeted marketing efforts, and strong communication skills. If you feel ready to take your business to the next level, book a free demo with CREOP so we can help you.